Zydus Wellness India Customer Care Number & Company Information, Corporate Office, Phone No

Zydus Wellness India’s address, Customer Care Number & phone number, and corporate website The company’s contact information, such as the headquarters address, office phone number, customer service helpline number, and email address, as well as its network presence and service locations, are all listed here. If you’re seeking for information on the parent firm, the founding year, the founder, or other details. You can find all of that, including Zydus Wellness’ contact information, from the table below.

About Zydus Wellness

Consumer goods firm Zydus Wellness Limited is based in India. The business was established in 1994 and is headquartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. The biggest retailer in India is Zydus Wellness Limited. It is a division of the drugmaker Cadila Healthcare. Zydus is a manufacturer of dietary supplements and cosmetics under the names EverYuth, Sugar Free, Nutralite, and Actilife. Sugarlite, Complan, Sugar Free, Glucon-D, Everyuth, Nycil, and Nutralite are all products offered by Zydus Wellness Limited. All of Zydus Wellness Company’s contact information is included below.

Zydus Wellness India Company Profile

  • Company Full Name: Zydus Wellness Limited
  • Type: Public
  • Industry: Consumer Goods
  • Founded Year: 1994
  • Founder: Tarun Arora, Sharvil Patel
  • Headquarters: Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
  • Parent Company: Cadila Healthcare
  • Subsidiaries: NA

Board of Directors and Key People

  • Dr.Sharvil Patel (Non- Executive Chairman)
  • Mr. Tarun Arora (CEO and Whole Time Director)
  • Mr. Ganesh N Nayak (Non- Executive Director)
  • Mr. Srivishnu Raju, Nandyala, Ms. Dharmishtaben N Raval, Mr. Kulin S. Lalbhai and Mr. Savyasaachi S. Sengupta (Independent Director)
  • Mr. Ashish Bhargava

How to find Zydus Wellness India Contact Information

Numerous clients, numbering in the millions, are always looking for Zydus Wellness India contact information online, such as the company’s office address, customer service phone number, and social media accounts. Customers occasionally have a variety of product issues and may also have general questions. However, they are unsure of how to get in touch with Zydus Wellness for both customer service and Zydus Wellness India customer care.

For any kind of assistance, general information, sales and technical support before and after sales, you may find all necessary information in this page, along with the quickest ways to contact Zydus Wellness India’s customer care staff and other departments. Here, you can find Zydus Wellness’ customer service phone number, main office address, toll-free number, India helpline number, contact phone number, social media handles, website, blogs, and, if accessible, the board of directors’ contact details.

Zydus Wellness Customer Care Information

Zydus Wellness Helpline Number +91-79-26868666 for Feedback and Queries
+91-79-67775888, +91-79-26868100 for Investors Relation
+91-7967775874  for institutional Investors
Zydus Wellness Customer Support Email customercare@zyduswellness.com for feedback and queries info@zyduswellness.com for institutional Investors Media_Zydus@Zyduswellness.com for media queries investor.grievance@zyduswellness.com for investors relation
Zydus Wellness Office Address Plot No. 103, Nr. Nirma University, Mouje – Khoraj, Sarkhej – Gandhinagar Hwy, Ahmedabad 382481, Gujarat, India
Facebook Page NA
Twitter Account NA
Instagram ID NA
YouTube Channel NA
Official Website www.zyduswellness.in

Note: Some numbers provided above may be non toll free number, so please verify call charges from your operator before call.

Zydus Wellness Main Office Locations in India

You can obtain much more support after the customer service department through the information of Zydus Wellness offices. You can find Zydus Wellness India’s headquarters address below, along with the company’s contact information, including phone numbers for various offices.

Zydus Wellness India Corporate Office Contact Details

  • Zydus Wellness Corporate Office Address: Plot No. 103, Nr. Nirma University, Mouje Khoraj, Sarkhej – Gandhinagar Hwy, Ahmedabad 382481, Gujarat, India
  • Zydus Wellness Corporate Office Phone Number: +91-79-67775888
  • Zydus Wellness Corporate Office Fax Number: +9179-67775811
  • Zydus Wellness Corporate Office Email ID: customercare@zyduswellness.com

Zydus Wellness Investor Relations Contact Details

  • Phone No: +91-79-26868100 (Investors Relations Cell), +91-79-67775874 (Institutional Investors)
  • Fax Number:  +91-79-26862337 (Investors Relations Cell)
  • Email ID: investor.grievance@zyduswellness.com (Investors Relations Cell), info@zyduswellness.com (Institutional Investors)

Zydus Wellness Limited Other Office Locations in India

We didn’t found any other Zydus Wellness office across India. If, the company opens any branch or locations in future, so we will update it here.

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As you checked findcompanyinformation.com has provided Zydus Wellness India Contact Information, Corporate Office, Phone No including Customer Care, office phone number, headquarters address, as well as website and social profiles. If are facing any type of issue with above-given information, so you can tell us.

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